We are familiar with the mold that grows on things around the house, such as bread and fruit. However, when mold appears on leather, it’s a different story. We usually just discard the things that are moldy, but if it is a very valuable latigo strap for this saddle and we certainly don’t want to throw it away.

Step By Step Guide
The first thing to do to get rid of mold or mildew is to take an old t-shirt or another soft cough and rub. Make sure you get all of the excesses off onto the rag and be sure you do both the front and the back.
The next thing you need to do is you’ll take some lemon juice and mix it with water. You have to use that to neutralize the mold that’s on the leather. Now with a damp sponge, you need to coat the leather, front and back.
With this mixture, it’s not necessary to soak it in. Just do it so that you get the mold neutralized. After you have allowed the lemon juice to dry pretty well, take your soft cloth and wipe the strap down.
Apply this with a piece of sheep wool. Of course, do front and back. It’s better to do several light coats than it is one heavy coat. So, do a light coat, come back later, and give it a second application of the leather oil.
This is a really helpful article. Mold can be very difficult to get rid of, but even more so when it comes for your leather. I managed to make my own mix to treat some mold awhile back and it worked great. I am still waiting watchfully for it to return, but hopefully it does not!
Hello, Catrina! Thanks for your comment.
Thanks, Steve, I need to try this soon. I just discovered my favorite leather jacket is covered in mold after sitting in storage for several months, I was crushed when I found out… Despite figuring out how to clean mold from leather I also have to find a way to get rid of the god awful smell, it’s unbearable…